Unfortunately nowadays we see that plastic packaging is being used abundantly. Many companies prefer using plastics because it is the cheapest out of all common packaging materials. On the contrary, Siwak Noir chose something better than this! Given the fact that our Siwak is 100% natural, we decided to honor the Siwak by using natural packaging aswell.
The result? A holder made from 100% ecological bamboo and a sachet for our Single Piece made out of recyclable craft paper. Both our holders and sachets are completely natural and naturally degradable. A beautiful way to deliver our unique Siwak.
Furthermore we decided to provide our holders with a small hole at the bottom. This small hole makes sure that the holders aren’t airtight and that the Siwak is still able to ”breath”. The reason behind this is because it can occur that someone would place the Siwak in the holder while it’s wet (we do not recommend this). A dry and cool place combined with something that is wet will likely form mold. To help prevent the development of mold we chose a holder that isn’t airtight.
We are proud to say that we ourselves pack each of our Siwak individually in a way that is environment- and eco-friendly, that is efficient and looks amazing!
And all Praise is due to Allah.